Monday, December 29, 2008

merry merry from charlie...

We are a little late with our latest post, but we have been in a whirlwind since last weekend! Robert came to visit us before we trecked out on our Christmas journey and we had the best time - Charlie even helped himself to a bag of homeade sugar cookies while we were at dinner one night, but thank goodness he didn't get sick:) Charlie has done so good the past week or so but I on the other hand forgot to charge the camera and the battery went dead very soon after our trip began! I have a few pics to post but my mom is sending me a few more.

We started our holiday in El Dorado with Robert and his family. Charlie loved seeing Rhi, Robert's blue heeler, but she is very old and doesn't like to play very much so he enjoyed
the peace and quiet before we headed to Forrest City on Christmas Eve. We were so excited that Maddie remembered Charlie! She was so happy to see us pull up in the drive way - they played and ran the whole time we were home! We are happy to report that our Christmas tree remained standing and no valuables were broken just a few pictures in the hall were left a little dismantled from the herd running up and down the hall:)

Charlie also got to make a trip to the "big city" th
at is better known as Memphis! He got to meet some more of our family friends, Ann, Annie P, and Mary and of course, everyone LOVED Charlie! We also took Charlie to Ann's house to run around in the backyard and tend to his business! We think he was a little nervous at Margaret's so we wanted to give him some time in the backyard:) I think Charlie's favorite part about the "big city" was sleeping at Margaret's because we slept in a king size bed. To bring you up to speed, Charlie has been sleeping in the bed with me so he was very excited about getting to stretch out in the big bed! Another favorite of the big city, was picking up bar-b-que to take back to the family in Forrest City. We put it in the trunk, but Charlie knew something was in there that smelled yummy to him - he went crazy sniffing for it!

We have now made our trek back west and our spending a few days in Little Rock at Robert's before going back to NWA for New Year's and his Mom's birthday. We hope Charlie remembers:)

Santa brought Charlie a big bed (it even has his name on it!) from Orvis and we put it together for him last night, but the real bed was more comfy to him:) We went for a long walk this morning and he came in and flopped right down on his bed - we know he will love it when we get settled back in Fayetteville. Here are a few pics from the holiday. We want to thank all of our family for hosting us this past
week - we had the best holiday ever and our looking forward to many many more! Here is to a great 2009! love you all!

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