Monday, March 29, 2010

another day in the life of...

CHARLIE! He is OBSESSED with his TV. So much in fact that I googled last night if too much TV was bad for dog's eyes! Friday morning, I had to turn the TV OFF to get him to go outside and do his business! As soon as I open the door in the morning, he RUNS into his room and stares at his TV! Not only is Charlie on a new diet but I may have to limit his TV time :) !!

This was taken a few weeks ago when we were in Memphis. He was pooped after playing outside!


The Whitfields said...

That is priceless, just came across your blog this afternoon!

The Wengers said...

Crack me up! My sister would turn on "Animal Planet" for her Pomeranian while she was at work. I'm glad he likes his TV!